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About Silicone Adhesives



About Silicone Adhesives

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Silicone adhesives are used primarily to bond disimilar materials with different thermal expansion coeficient and to attach components, such as module lids and baseplates, within electronic modules or seal openings in the module to exclude dirt, water or other contaminants. A key benefit of our adhesives is their potential to significantly increase reliability of the electronic module or component because of their stress-relieving properties. They have a “rubbery”, elastomeric nature and are not traditional, highly rigid adhesives. This low stress environment can reduce damage to module components and interconnections. They are also able to maintain their stress-relieving nature throughout exposures to extreme environmental conditions like high temperature and humidity.    

Silicone adhesives also offer versatile processing. Some are cured at room temperature, while others can be accelerated by heat. This can allow faster process times or the use of lower temperature capable materials, depending on the needs of your application and process.  Newer developed products are resulting in even faster and lower temperature curing capability. 

  • Chemically and thermally stable
  • Resistant to moisture and weathering
  • Suitable tack for quick bonding
  • Easily customized and co-formulated
  • Can be formulated to adhere well to a wide range of surfaces
  • Can be designed to withstand highly acidic or basic chemicals, and organic solvents
  • Biocompatibility

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