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About UV/LIGHT Adhesives



About UV/LIGHT Adhesives

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UV adhesives are single component systems based on acrylate or epoxy resin foundations. They cure under UV or visible light within seconds and, depending on the product, can be post-cured thermally. Curing times of 0.5 to 60 seconds can be achieved with high intensity UV gas discharge lamps or LED systems .

UV and light curing adhesives simplify handling and dispensing processes. A wide range of viscosities, from capillary flow to gap filling, are available. They provide the perfect solution for every individual application. All our UV and light curing adhesives are solvent free and environmentally safe.  

In many industries, manufacturers often desire the fastest cure process available. Cure speeds of UV curable adhesives are adaptable to the application. Cure time is dependent on several parameters and can be adjusted by changing the light intensity or distance of the light from the assembly or by adding another UV lamp onto the production line.UV curable adhesives are also ideal for manual assembly processes. Because they will not cure until exposed to light users can make fine adjustments to alignment before bonding.  


  • Easy to handle: curing on demand, no mixing of components necessary, no pot life limits 
  • Fast curing times allow high volume production in automated production lines
  • Low energy costs due to short curing times
  • Solvent free
  • Large product portfolio: from low to high viscosity and from transparent to coloured

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