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Born2Bond GA-10




Born2Bond GA-10

Anfrage für dieses Produkt!
Bostik Born2Bond GA-10 is an anaerobic gasketing material with high viscosity and medium strength. It is designed to withstand temperatures up to 200°C. Once cured the product prevents leakage and/or loosening of parts from vibration and shock. 

Bostik Born2Bond Gasketing anaerobic adhesives are a single-component, cost effective alternative to conventional pre-formed gaskets on metal flanges. Flexible, durable and resistant to wear and tear, they can be used during installation or for preventative maintenance. Achieving 100%surface-to-surface contact, the adhesives create a cohesive, durable connection that can withstand vibration, extreme temperatures and exposure to oils, solvents and water. They also offer better stress distribution and, unlike traditional gaskets, do not require any ‘bedding-in’.

Key Features:
  • Medium strength
  • High viscosity / Paste
  • Instant low pressure seal
  • Outstanding fatigue strength
  • Vibration resistant
  • Corrosion prevention
  • Prevents sagging and micro-movement
  • Higher power transmission
  • Single component
  • Suitable for active and passive metals

Anfrage für dieses Produkt!


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