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DOW exhibits at The Battery Show Europe, 23.-25. May

DOW exhibits at The Battery Show Europe, 23.-25. May

DOW exhibits at The Battery Show Europe, visit them 23-25 May to discover what Dow is doing to drive battery innovation and imagine a better, more sustainable future for the automotive industry. 
From thermal management to power electronics, specialists from DOW  will be available to walk you through the MobilityScience™ technologies for battery development and share insights on how we can work together to innovate for greater reliability, safety, and performance. 

Visit their booth 10-B20 where they will be showcasing their Jaguar Formula E partnership and investment in the battery assembly. Everyone is also welcomed to attend their presentations.

For additional information or technical support please contact us and one of our experts will come back to you.

DOW exhibits at The Battery Show Europe, 23.-25. May
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