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Webinar: Faster Assemblies At Room Temperature With New, Very Fast Cure Speed Adhesive DOWSIL™ EA-3838

Webinar: Faster Assemblies At Room Temperature With New, Very Fast Cure Speed Adhesive DOWSIL™ EA-3838

New DOWSIL™ EA-3838 Fast Adhesive allows faster processing and higher productivity

created a very fast curing RTV adhesive that can help you increase throughput and productivity, reduce costs and lower your carbon footprint.

If you’re interested in increasing your speed and efficiency, plan to join the April 28 webinar.

Boost the speed and efficiency of assembly with new primerless DOWSIL™ EA-3838 Fast Adhesive.

This novel, fast-curing silicone technology has been developed for manufacturers of appliances, automotive electronics, lighting, aerospace and beyond, looking to improve their profitability while reducing their costs and carbon footprint.

Whether you are using existing organic or silicone materials with primer, we encourage you to learn about this innovative, versatile material; it can meet different needs of the manufacturing and assembly processes while reducing the number of products used at the job site.

DOWSIL™ EA-3838 Fast Adhesive is a two-part, room-temperature vulcanizing silicone adhesive, which can be used on various substrates and has a flexible fast cure speed. Learn more about the broad range of possibilities enabled by this innovative product along with its advantageous shelf-life and many packaging options.

Register now and let us show you the specifics of this very fast curing adhesive, and demonstrate its performance attributes as compared to other benchmark products currently in use in the market.

Webinar: Faster Assemblies At Room Temperature With New, Very Fast Cure Speed Adhesive DOWSIL™ EA-3838

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