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Anfrage für dieses Produkt!
LED-UV systems are used in various fields of applications and have already established themselves alongside conventional UV lamps. The Dr. Hönle AG offers a huge choice of LED-UV curing units including point sources, spot lamps, floods and lines in different lengths and irradiation widths. Our strength lies in finding and developing customized curing solutions.

Wavelengths from 365 nm – 460 nm
Our UV-LED units are available in the wavelengths 365 nm, 385 nm, 395 nm and 405 nm, depending on unit and application also 460 nm are possible. You can choose between air-cooled or water-cooled versions, later can also be used in clean rooms.

Application fields LED-UV units
UV-LED technology is used for pinning and final curing of inks, varnishes and silicones as well as for bonding, curing and fixing UV adhesives and casting compounds. UV-LED systems are also used for finishing or coating of web-type materials or 3D objects. Our LED-UV units are used for pinning and curing on narrow web but also on large format printing machines (sheet-fed offset printing, inkjet printing, flexo printing). We will be glad to advise and support you on retro-fitting your existing equipment.

LED Lighting systems
LED lighting systems for crash tests, airbag facilities or high-speed photography complement our comprehensive product range.

UV Measuring Devices for LEDs
As a manufacturer of LED-UV units we have also developed an UV measuring device with LED-UV sensors to monitor the UV intensity on the substrate. For more information: UV-Meter

Advantages of LED Technology
LEDs do not emit IR irradiation. Due to the low temperature impact on the substrate also temperature-sensitive materials can be irradiated. As LEDs do not need any heating or cooling periods, LED-UV modules can be switched on and off whenever needed and are immediately ready for operation. LEDs have got a typical lifetime of more than 20.000 hours.

Further Advantages of LED-UV Compared to Conventional UV Technology:
  • Compact size for easy installation
  • Easy handling at clocked processes
  • For more information see our Overview Brochure.

Our LED-UV lamps are used in the following fields of application:

  • Graphic Arts Industry
  • Automotive Industry
  • Electronics Industry
  • Medical Engineering
  • Glass Industry
  • Optical Goods Industry
  • Chemical Industry
  • Consumer Products
  • Cosmetics Industry

  • Printing & Finishing
  • Sheet-fed Offset Printing
  • Digital Printing
  • Flexo Printing
  • Inkjet Printing
  • Web Printing
  • Screen Printing
  • Needle Bonding
  • Loud Speaker Bonding
  • Display Bonding
  • Plug Encapsulation, Pin Sealing
  • Active Alignment
  • Lens Bonding (Sun-) Spectacles Lens Dome Coating
  • Fluorescence Examination
  • Surface Finishing

  • Crash Tests
  • Airbag Test Facilities
  • High-speed Photography

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