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Born2Bond™ Structural: The Fast 2K Polymerizing On Demand

Born2Bond™ Structural: The Fast 2K Polymerizing On Demand

Born2Bond Structural is a unique 2 Component hybrid adhesive especially designed for production operations. It is a strong adhesive usable on many substrates especially plastics and metals. However the most outstanding property is the long 25 minutes open time combined with a very fast strength build-up once the parts are put together. What does it mean for you? Born2Bond Structural can stay in the static mixer for the full 25 minutes and still be dispensed at any time, avoiding any mixer change and product waste. But once the parts are together, Born2Bond Structural reaches an impressive 6 MPa within 5 minutes. This makes it an excellent choice for assembly on production lines, as intermediate or final bonding solution. It is often used manually but can also be automated.

Customer feedback
Users of Born2Bond Structural reported that the product is both “Fast and Slow” and that it has a very polyvalent range of applications. Our customers used Born2Bond Structural sometimes for Magnet bonding, plastic assembly for sensors or component housing, or rubber to metal bonding. It has also been used for reinforcement of components on PCB or LED encapsulation to create a dim light. We recommend to get to know this very unique adhesive: it is an excellent option for many production challenges.

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Born2Bond™ Structural: The Fast 2K Polymerizing On DemandBorn2Bond™ Structural: The Fast 2K Polymerizing On DemandBorn2Bond™ Structural: The Fast 2K Polymerizing On Demand
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