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Bostik Aquafast Moisture And Water Immersion Resistant Instant Adhesive

Bostik Aquafast Moisture And Water Immersion Resistant Instant Adhesive

Born2Bond™ Aquafast is a low-medium viscosity instant adhesive which provides excellent adhesion performance even in high humidity environments. The product has good bonding properties to a very broad range of materials such as metals (including aluminum), plastics, rubbers, and can withstand water immersion once bonded.

Bostik Aquafast is designed for Cyanoacrylates application where high performance is the most important parameter, in terms of adhesion strength, humidity and temperature resistance.

  • Fixture time: 15 seconds
  • High resistance to moisture
  • Service temperature: -40°C up to +120°C
  • Excellent adhesion to metals
  • Exceptional resistance to most solvents and oils
  • Bonds a large range of materials
  • Transparent and easy to use
  • Good aging under water at 60°C

Typical applications:
  • Electronics and appliances
  • Outdoor lighting
  • Power tools
  • Sanitary & kitchen equipment
  • Outdoor sports, camping, lighting and pool equipment
  • Interior and exterior automotive aftermarket applications

For further product details please visit:

For technical support please contact us.

Bostik Aquafast Moisture And Water Immersion Resistant Instant AdhesiveBostik Aquafast Moisture And Water Immersion Resistant Instant AdhesiveBostik Aquafast Moisture And Water Immersion Resistant Instant Adhesive
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