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DCT Alcohol-based hand disinfectant | New

DCT Alcohol-based hand disinfectant | New

Disinfection is recommended for routine hand antisepsis to promote improved compliance with hand hygiene. It can also be used to clean non-absorbent washable surfaces and objects.

DCT Alcohol-based hand disinfectant is ready-mix and intended for direct use. It inactivate a wide array of potentially harmful microorganisms on hands. 

Disinfection was prepared according to WHO (World Health Organization). The microbicidal activity of the WHO recommended formulations was tested by WHO reference laboratories according to EN standards (EN 1500).

Product information
  • Formulation according to WHO
  • Excellent tolerability with skin
  • Flammable liquid

Table of physical and chemical properties
  • Product appearance: one phase clear liquid
  • Odour: alcohol
  • VOC content: 81,5 %
  • Flash point: 17,5 °C
  • Storage: in closed containers, in ventilated areas, at temperature 5 – 25 °C
  • Shelf life: 2 years

  • 1 litre spray bottle
  • 5 litres can
  • 25 litres hobock

DCT Alcohol-based hand disinfectant

DCT Alcohol-based hand disinfectant | New
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