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DOWSIL TC-5150 Thermally Conductive Gap Filler - Product launch

DOWSIL TC-5150 Thermally Conductive Gap Filler - Product launch

DOWSIL™  TC-5150 Thermally Conductive Gap Filler is a high performance, one-part, non- curable, dispensable thermally conductive gap filler with 5 W/mK thermal conductivity, and like other Dow™  thermally conductive compounds, is made with silicone materials heavily filled with heat conductive metal oxides. This combination promotes high thermal conductivity and high temperature stability. The compounds are designed to maintain a positive heat sink seal to improve heat transfer from the electrical device to the heat sink or chassis, thereby increasing the overall efficiency of the device.

  • High thermal conductivity
  • Easy to dispense
  • Form-in-place
  • No additional curing process required
  • Low thermal impedance
  • Reworkable
  • Room temperature storage

DOWSIL™  TC-5150 Thermally Conductive Gap Filler is a one-part non-curing material that can be used without additional curing steps and is reworkable. It exhibits excellent vertical hold behavior while allowing efficient automated dispensing due to its thixotropic nature.

For further product details please visit:

DOWSIL TC-5150 Thermally Conductive Gap Filler - Product launch
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