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Introducing all new DOWSIL TC-4530 CV Gap Filler

Introducing all new DOWSIL TC-4530 CV Gap Filler

Dow has just launched a new thermally conductive silicone gap filler and expended its already wide portfolio of thermally conductive materials which are powering the advancement in powertrain electrification.

DOWSIL™ TC-4530 CV Gap Filler is a soft, thermally conductive silicone material for dissipating heat and relieving stress in automotive electronic modules.
It can help you:
  • Develop products for the fast-growing EV market
  • Offer reliable long-term protection from heat and vibration
  • Enhance performance and extend component life
  • Reduce production costs

Performance & processing benefits
  • High thermal conductivity (3.0 W/m-K)
  • Excellent dispensability
  • Low abrasion to extend equipment life
  • Low stresses during assembly to reduce the risk of component damage
  • Good vertical hold/aging
  • Excellent shelf-life stability
  • Low siloxane volatiles

A wide range of applications
  • Converters/inverters
  • Onboard battery chargers
  • Electronic control units
  • Battery disconnect units
  • Infotainment modules

Consider the difference that DOWSIL TC-4530 CV Gap Filler could make in your modules and your assembly process. For samples and testing please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

We are your technical partner
If you need technical support or want to find out more about the possibilities for your industrial application, please contact us and one of our experts will come back to you.

Introducing all new DOWSIL TC-4530 CV Gap Filler

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