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SILASTIC™ RBL-9694-45M A&B Liquid Silicone Rubber

SILASTIC™ RBL-9694-45M A&B Liquid Silicone Rubber

SILASTIC RBL-9694-45M Liquid Silicone Rubber is a two component heat-cure silicone elastomer, designed to be easily mixed and dispensed via meter-mix equipment. It is cured directly on automotive and other industrial components to form an integrated, high strength compression seal. It is resistant to many industrial fluids (e.g. engine oils, water/glycol mixtures) over a broad temperature range with the exception of fuels and non-polar solvents.

SILASTIC™ RBL-9694-45M Liquid Silicone Rubber is designed to be dispensed and cured directly on automotive and other industrial components to form integrated gaskets. Typical applications include gaskets for components which require high clamping forces, e.g. cam covers, water pumps, ABS modules and thermostat housings

  • Two-part addition cure silicone elastomer
  • User-friendly, easy to handle 1:1 mix ratio
  • High tear resistance
  • Low compression set
  • Good adhesion to many substrates
  • Long term stability over a wide temperature range (-50°C to +200°C)
  • Hardness suitable for sealing applications under high clamping loads
  • Non-sag nature yields accurate, uniform gasket beads of precise dimensions as defined by robot application parameters
  • Fast cure at elevated temperatures, no post curing
  • Does not require solvents, CFCs or other environmentally harmful materials for processing

The Cured-In-Place Gasket Concept (CIPG)
The “Cured-in-Place-Gasket” concept made possible with SILASTIC RBL-9694-45M Liquid Silicone Rubber provides a successful alternative to traditional gasketing methods using manually installed preformed rubber gaskets. This approach provides greater design flexibility as the robotically applied liquid silicone beads can easily follow complex surface geometries. Additionally, changes in part design can be rapidly accommodated by reprogramming the dispensing system. The extruding seals are applied and positioned with excellent reproducibility time after time, ensuring good sealing performance. Equally important, the sealing/curing process lends itself ideally to a continuous, fully automated operation thus providing meaningful savings on the costs associated with manual gasket installation.

We are your technical partner
If you need technical support or want to find out more about the possibilities for your industrial application, please contact us and one of our experts will come back to you.

SILASTIC™ RBL-9694-45M A&B Liquid Silicone Rubber
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