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Silicone Materials For Transportation Electronics From Dow

Silicone Materials For Transportation Electronics From Dow

Driving advances in electronics bonding, sealing and protection

Energy efficiency is a driving force behind advances in Dow technologies for automotive electronics and assembly. From conventional to hybrid to electric, the cars of today and tomorrow rely on electronics to improve safety, reduce emissions, increase energy efficiency and enhance comfort.

How can we contribute to lighter, longer-lasting batteries for electric vehicles? Increase the durability and touchscreen functionality of control panel displays? Improve the reliability of advanced driver assistance systems?

Together, we  can help you find the material solution that puts your car of the future on the road forward. Our portfolio of silicone encapsulant and potting materials, conformal coatings, bonding adhesives and EMI shielding materials protect electronics in four key ways:
  • Dissipate heat
  • Bond and seal housings
  • Encapsulate components
  • Coat electronics and assemblies

Check out the video below! 

Silicone Materials For Transportation Electronics From Dow

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