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The Sustainable Revolution In Transportation: DOWSIL TC-4530 CV Gap Filler

The Sustainable Revolution In Transportation: DOWSIL TC-4530 CV Gap Filler

The transportation industry is undergoing an unprecedented transformation. Electrification and carbon reduction are the new mantras guiding the path towards a greener world. In this scenario, thermally conductive materials are like superheroes fighting heat, the invisible enemy lurking in our vehicle’s electronic modules. Among them, the DOWSIL TC-4530 CV Gap Filler stands out as an innovative solution designed to dissipate heat and relieve stress in these key components

Key Features of DOWSIL TC-4530 CV Gap Filler

DOWSIL TC-4530 CV is a soft, two-part (1:1) silicone material with high thermal conductivity, specifically designed to dissipate heat and relieve stress in automotive electronic modules. Its key characteristics include:

High thermal conductivity
With an effective thermal conductivity of 3 W/mK at a thickness of 1 mm according to ASTM D5470, TC-4530 CV provides efficient heat transfer.

Aging stability 
It has been demonstrated to maintain its thermal conductivity stable through 2000 hours of aging under various conditions, including temperature and humidity cycles.

Dispensing equipment compatibility 
It facilitates dispensing at low pressure and exhibits excellent flow match between Parts A and B, minimizing the need for frequent changes in static mixers.

Low siloxane volatiles emission 
Analyses have revealed concentrations below the detection limit of 1 ppmv, meeting strict emission standards.

Good storage stability 
Although a slight viscosity change was observed after 9 months, the material exhibited good stability for over 6 months under storage conditions.

Applications in automotive electronics

The TC-4530 CV is specially designed for applications in automotive electronics, including:
  • Converters and inverters 
  • Onboard battery chargers (OBC) 
  • Electronic control units (ECU) 
  • Battery disconnect units (BDU) 
  • Infotainment systems

These applications significantly benefit from materials that can effectively manage heat and maintain stability throughout the vehicle’s lifespan, meeting rigorous requirements for reliability and performance.

Processing and Testing

The dispensing process of TC-4530 CV has been optimized to ensure stable flow and low abrasion, minimizing mass loss during application. Static mixers of various sizes have been utilized to accommodate different flow and viscosity conditions.

In addition, extensive testing has demonstrated that the material exhibits good adhesion and stable dielectric strength under severe aging conditions, such as temperature and humidity cycles.

Final considerations on TC-4530 CV Gap Filler

The automotive industry is undergoing a radical transformation. Electrification and the pursuit of greater vehicle power demand innovative solutions in electronic component cooling. In this context, DOWSIL TC-4530 CV Gap Filler emerges as a technological revolution, an unprecedented advancement that meets the needs of this new landscape.

Not only does it meet current standards of performance and safety, but it also surpasses them. It sets a new benchmark in the automotive electronics materials industry, an essential ally for manufacturers seeking to optimize the performance and durability of their products.

The DOWSIL TC-4530 CV Gap Filler is the key to unlocking a more efficient, sustainable, and technologically advanced automotive future. A future where vehicles not only take us to our destination but also help us care for the planet.

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The Sustainable Revolution In Transportation: DOWSIL TC-4530 CV Gap Filler
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