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SIMSON B-component SMP




SIMSON B-component SMP

Anfrage für dieses Produkt!
SIMSON B-component SMP or also referred to as "Booster" is a  paste like compound which is used as an accelerator for the curing process of SMP products (SMP = Silyl Modified Polymer).

A small amount of the Simson B-component SMP (1 part B-component on 40 parts of SMP) significantly speeds up the curing time and the strength buildup of SMP based products from Bostik. The strength buildup in time is given in the figure overleaf. Alternatively, the B-component SMP allows for large overlaps and seams, which will not fully cure with a 1-component product because moisture is not able to diffuse, to fully cure independently from humidity into the larger overlaps.

Together with the standard SMP product, the Simson B-component SMP is extruded with a dedicated applicator, the Dual SMP 400P. The two components are mixed together by means of a static mixer shortly before extrusion. There are two static mixers available: Static Mixer 8 for Simson products ISR 70-08 AP/70-05 AP and Static Mixer 10 for Simson products ISR 70-03/70-03 sskf, MSR-CA, MSR-CA sskf and MSR-FT.

  • One part paste on dispersion base (paste is curing).
  • Optimal mixing ratio: 1:40 (one part B-component SMPon 40 parts SMP product).
  • Development of the Simson Dual SMP 400P has been carried out by Bostik

Method of use:
Simson B-component SMP has to be mixed well into the SMP based adhesive with a static mixer. The mixing ratioof 2-component adhesives has to be controlled with great accuracy. The SMP (A-component) adhesive areavailable in packaging of 400 ml for the Dual SMP 400P® gun. Consult Bostik for additional information.
Note: Simson B-component SMP cures by itself (by release of moisture) if packaging is opened and exposed to dry air.

Anfrage für dieses Produkt!


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