D-5665 NS is the most recent addition to our CFC-free contact cleaner line. Unique, it exhibits zero ozone depletion, total non-flammability and is a safe and effective cleaning agent on a variety of substrates. D-5665 NS is extremely useful in and around activated circuits where flushing and fast drying are essential. D5665 NS will readily solubilize and remove the toughest fluorinated greases, yet it releases zero VOCs.
D-5665NS can be sprayed directly into problem areas to loosen, lift and flush away light deposits of undesirable oils, greases and oxide build-up. The propellant system and active ingredients are non-flammable, VOC exempt and highly efficient, guaranteeing complete evacuation ofthe contents with steady and reliablepressure(even when inverted). For heavier duty degreasing applications we recommend evaluation of our D-5645 or D-5671 NS.
Features:- Non-Ozone Depleting
- Non-Flammable
- Plastic Friendly
- Low Surface Tension
- Low Odor
- Fast Evaporation
- Very Low Surface Residue
- Low GWP
- Solubilizes select range of soils
- Low Toxicity Level
Physical Properties: - Boiling Point: 60
- Flash Point (ºC): None
- Ozone Depletion: 0.00
- SurfaceTension (Dynes/cm): 13.60
- Viscosity (cps): 0.61
- Liquid Density (g/ml): 1.50
- VOC: None
- Vapor Pressure @ 23(ºC): 195
- Appearance: Clear/Colorless
- Low Heat of Vaporization: 0.28
- Dielectric Strength Constant I OOHz - 10MHz: 7.39
- Typical Dielectric Strength @ 25" C (0.1 in gap): 28KV
- Volume Resistivity @ 25" C, ohm-cm: 3.29 x 109
- Critical Temperature: 195.3ºC
- Non-Volatile Residue: 1.0ppm maximum