D-5601NS is a safe, environmentally friendly, industrial solvent produced from all natural, non-petroleum distillates. D-5601NS has no carcinogenic or toxic properties. It also has no T.L.V. or P.E.L. limits imposed upon its usage in the workplace. D-5601NS does not contain any hazardous components as defined in 29 CFR 1910.
Application:D-5601NS removes tough greases, oils, tars and other contaminates, from metals, painted surfaces, ceramic, fiberglass, and many plastics. It can also be effective in removing some glues and resins. D-5601NS's ability to evaporate totally after it's use makes this cleaner an ideal replacement for chlorinated solvents in cleaning electrical parts and apparatus.
Features:D-5601NS is considered to be a top quality replacement for chlorinated solvents, mineral spirits and thinners. D-5601NS eliminates the health hazards associated with petroleum solvents, most hazardous waste disposal costs and some of the risks of hazardous chemical spills.
Physical Properties:- Specific Gravity: 0.77
- Liquid Dielectric Value(KV): 35
- Evaporation Rate (Water=1): 1
- Volatile Evaporation Rate (gm/hr): 0.14
- Boiling Point: 310 F
- Vapor Pressure: <10 mm of Hg
- Flash Point: 112 F